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Perfect Man.

The starting point was the figure of a Soviet man, homo sovieticus, a specific social choreography of fear, submission, pretending and subordination, characteristic of the countries of the so-called "Eastern Bloc" in the sphere of influence of the former USSR. A big question during our research was how many of that man remained in today's post-communist societies.? What does our body archive say? From and until what point do we inherit the trauma of those generations? And how does this relate to today's terror of perfection in late capitalism? 

The project started from a Visegrad Fund, residency in Farm Studio in Czech Republic, Vysoka 2021 and  creative residency Žďár nad Sázavou. SE.S.TA 2022.  Performed on INvisible festiwal Timisoara in Romania and got to the preselection of Polish Dance Platform.

Performance was premiered in Crikoteka, 26 March 2022. 


Tati Cholewa

Lukas Wójcicki

anka jurek

light design:

Mariusz Potępa

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by anna jurek

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