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pass by

the interactive continuous performance 
the research about time
about in the between
about the vanishing
the passing 

The project started in 2018. Appeared intensively with a strong thought about the action of passing. Touching the time.


The project was the reflection about the common consumer approach to all what we refer to. Transferring the motivation of the achievement only, into the action of the character who doesn’t care about the achievement, but the journey. The assumption of the performance was to break the expected behavior within.


The project is a process, which is in between desire and goal. That what usually used to be ignored, as there is no time appreciation. In the century instant society we tend to cut out the long duration activities. It is expected to have everything in one, everything for now, easily achievable. Kids are growing in reality of wishes and dreams; to have new gadget, toy or cloth, usually they are getting it without bigger effort. Is the amount of items that we can possess establishing the being?


So we are people, who are passed by_

cars, iPhones, automatic stairs, with others eyes, with truth, the right direction, the understanding, by others... 


The realization of the project was a combination of series short videos and final dance performance. Videos were recorded in Linz, London and Leeds. The process is still going on and is to be continued.

concept by
Maja Mirek
Anna Jurek

Maja Mirek
Karolina Kaluba



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by anna jurek

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